2023-2024研究生公报 (归档目录)




M.A. 创意写作 每学时750美元
M.F.A. 创意写作 每学时675美元
M.A. 创意写作 每学时675美元
申请费 $35
接受存款 $300(一次性费用)
一般大学收费创意写作 每学时84美元
论文阅读者费 $500(一次性费用)
〇住宿费 CW 501 , CW 510 , CW 516 , CW 616 r   $200(一次性费用)
M.B.A. 每学时800美元
M.S. 在教育* 每学时554美元
M.S. 在生物工程
M.S. 工程管理
M.S. (数学,数学教育)
M.S.N. (护理)


申请费 $45(一次性费用)
网上研究生录取 $35(一次性费用)
在线非学位,研究生教育 $35(一次性费用)
在线国际研究生 $65(一次性费用)
审计费用 学费的一半
申诉检查费 每学时90美元
IEP -强化英语课程 每学期4999美元
工程实验室费用 每班$115
一般费用 每学时86美元
毕业典礼的费用 170美元(向最后一个学期的所有毕业生收费)
护理学位论文绑定费 每本48美元
成绩单费用 每本15元


第三方账单和延期付款表格可推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜网站上找到. 这些表格必须每学期提交一次.

Note: The Bursar’s Office is prohibited from signing graduation clearance forms until any outstanding balance is paid in full. Graduates who have requested the deferred payment option must pay the final 学期 balances personally before clearance forms are signed (or have a written guarantee from their employer that the amount will be paid to Wilkes regardless of course completion or final grade). Those prospective graduates not complying with the above policy will not be cleared until actual payment is received from their employer.



Ed.D.* $863
申请费 $45
国际居留费 $550
美国居留费 $250


学费 每学时1,024美元


学费 每学时1,024美元


全日制学费(12-18学分) 每学期20,912美元
一般大学费用 每学期968美元



Wilkes requires that all students obtain financial clearance no later than two weeks prior to the start of the 学期 通过做以下其中一项:

  1. 全额付清账单
  2. 是否有一份经济援助奖来支付你的余额
  3. 注册在线支付计划
  4. 是否提交了第三方付款人或雇主的学费延期表格. 


1. 现金、信用卡或支票付款 can be made at the Bursar’s Office located in Miller Hall during regular business hours (Monday through Friday, 上午9时至下午4时),亦可邮寄至:

P.O. 824696箱

2. 电子支票和信用卡支付 也可以上吗 学生门户. 输入您的用户名和密码. 选择“学生服务”,然后按提示操作. A password should be assigned by the time the bill is due; if, 然而, 没有设置密码, 请拨打服务台1 - 800 -推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜- u分机4357. 

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜接受信用卡或借记卡,包括万事达卡、发现、Visa、American Express. 


联邦珀金斯贷款的本票, 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜护理贷款, Rulison Evans贷款, 以及蓝色和金色贷款将以电子方式签署 美国连接. 当本票可供签署时,您将收到电子邮件通知.

Please Note: 学生如未能偿还学校的所有债务,不得获得任何学位, 证书, 成绩单或成绩



Enrollment in the Installment Payment Plan should be completed immediately upon receipt of the University invoice. The current outstanding balance will be divided into three equal installments for the Summer Semester and five equal installments for the Fall and Spring Semesters, 秋季学期的第一笔款项将于8月15日到期. 学生必须每学期注册.


Deferred payments for employer reimbursement and third party payer arrangements will be permitted provided the student has made application and received approval for this plan at least two weeks before the first day of the 学期. 雇主学费延期申请可推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜大学网站上查询. 即将毕业的高年级学生不符合延期付款的条件.


如果学生期望从后备军官训练队获得经济支持, 退伍军人康复, 职业康复局, 或其他第三方赞助的学费计划, 哪些没有列在发票上, 从“计算总应付账款”中扣除批准的金额.” Please indicate the source and the anticipated amount of coverage on a copy of the invoice when remitting payment for the adjusted balance.

第三方计费和延期付款表格可在Wilkes门户网站上获得. 这些表格必须每学期提交一次.

Note: The Bursar’s Office is prohibited from signing graduation clearance forms until any outstanding balance is paid in full. Graduates who have requested the deferred payment option must pay the final 学期 balances personally before clearance forms are signed (or have a written guarantee from their employer that the amount will be paid to Wilkes regardless of course completion or final grade). Those prospective graduates not complying with the above policy will not be cleared until actual payment is received from their employer.


大学遵守2018年退伍军人福利和过渡法案(38 USC 3679(e))。, 并且不会施加任何惩罚, 包括滞纳金的评估, 拒绝访问类, 库, 或其他机构设施, 或者要求受保个人借入额外资金, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement of a payment by the VA under chapter 31 or 33 veteran educational assistance entitlement

所有受保个人(根据第31章有权获得教育援助的任何人), 职业康复及就业, 或者第33章, Post-9/11 GI Bill® 好处) are requested to provide a written request of use of these entitlements and will be permitted to attend or participate in the course of education beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the educational institution a 证书 of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under chapter 31 or 33 (a “证书 of eligibility” can also include a “Statement of Benefits” obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) website e-Benefits, 或VAF 28-1905表格(供第31章授权之用). The Certificate of Eligibility or Statement of Benefits is required to be submitted no later than the first day of courses for which an individual wishes to use the individual’s entitlement to education assistance in order to provide proper and timely certification and disbursement of VA funding. 另外, all covered individuals will be required to provide any and all additional information necessary to complete the proper certification of enrollment by the institution within 10 days of notice.

This policy does not prevent the University from requiring that the difference between the amount of the student’s financial obligation and the amount of the VA education benefit disbursement be satisfied.

“GI Bill®”是美国军队的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. 政府网站: www.好处.va.gov / gibill.


在每学期开始之前, tuition bills listing all current 学期 charges and approved financial aid are available online to all registered students. 所有款项可直接邮寄至:
P.O. 824696箱
电子支票, 发现, 万事达卡, Visa和美国运通付款可以推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜大学的学生门户网站上免费进行.
任何有关收费和付款的问题请直接拨打(57)408-4960或发送电子邮件 billing@推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.edu. 可以用支票付款, credit card or cash in person at the Bursar’s Office located in Miller Hall at 32 W South Street in Wilkes-Barre.

学生如未能偿还学校的所有债务,不得获得任何学位, 证书, 或成绩成绩单.


Students who do not know their Wilkes username and password should contact the Help Desk at 570-408-4357 or 11 - 800 -推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜- u ext. 4357.

学生可以向财政援助主任咨询, (或在校外地点, 与财政援助代表)了解有关奖学金和贷款项目的信息.

以退款规定为准, the total tuition is considered fully earned by the University upon completion of registration by the student.

Students are referred to the course descriptions in this Bulletin for laboratory and other fees associated with particular courses. 有关特别收费的查询,请向财务处查询. 请注意,研究生和专业学校的学费和一些费用是特定项目的.


退课或退学日期以课程完成百分比为准 学费调整(减费*)
0-13%课程完成率(包括所有课程的第一堂课) 100%
14-20%课程完成 75%
21-27%课程完成率 50%
28%的课程完成-学期结束 0%




  1. Non- participation students who are dropped from a course for not satisfying the requirement for initial course participation are refunded 100 percent of the course tuition.
  2. The following schedule applies to learners in all credit bearing programs for all terms that follow traditional, 加速格式和在线格式.
  3. Students who request an exception to the tuition refund policy due to extenuating circumstances should submit a request in writing to the 学费 Refund Appeals Committee for review.


退课或退学日期以课程完成百分比为准 学费调整(减费*)
0-13%课程完成率(包括所有课程的第一堂课) 100%
14-20%课程完成 75%
21-27%课程完成率 50%
28%的课程完成-学期结束 0%





Wilkes requires that all students obtain financial clearance no later than two weeks prior to the start of the 学期 通过做以下其中一项:

  1. 全额付清账单
  2. 是否有一份经济援助奖来支付你的余额
  3. 注册在线支付计划
  4. 是否提交了第三方付款人或雇主的学费延期表格.


  1. 现金、信用卡或支票付款 can be made at the Bursar’s Office located in Miller Hall during regular business hours (Monday through Friday, 上午9时至下午4时),亦可邮寄至:

    P.O. 824696箱
  2. 电子支票和信用卡付款也可以在学生门户网站上进行.推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜.edu. 输入您的用户名和密码. 选择“学生服务”,然后按提示操作. A password should be assigned by the time the bill is due; if, 然而, 没有设置密码, 请拨打服务台1 - 800 -推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜- u分机. 4357.

推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜接受信用卡或借记卡,包括万事达卡、发现、Visa、American Express.


Please Note: 学生如未能偿还学校的所有债务,不得获得任何学位, 证书, 成绩单或成绩.


课间学期的学费必须在开学前两周全额缴纳. 延期付款选项不适用于休会期间的费用.